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Lumbar Disc Prolapse

Patient Name: Joy Thomas   ,  Age: 61  ,  Sex: Male

Presenting complaints

A 61 years aged male patient from Kottayam, Kerala presented with complaints of severe pain on low back and right buttock. Also the pain was radiating to right leg. Associated with numbness and weakens of right leg. Often feel difficulty to walk.

History of present illness

He was apparently normal 2 years ago, and developed with pain on leg gradually. Thereafter the pain aggravated and radiated towards right buttock and right leg. He had consulted local doctors and taken treatment which only offered him temporary relief. Later he came to Parathuvayalil for a better management.


MRI reports were showing diffuse disc bulge with posterior disc protrusion at L3-L4, L4-L5 and L5-S1 level intending anterior thecal sac with effacement of bilateral traversing nerve roots and compression of exiting nerve roots at L4-L5 and L5-S1

Treatment course

The patient was admitted at Parathuvayalil hospital for 3 weeks and had under gone following course of Ayurveda therapies along with internal administration of Ayurveda decoctions, tablets and external oils and applications.

External therapies

  • Kayasekam – Poring of warm medicated oil all over the body with gentle body massage
  • Abhyangam – Synchronized oil massage with special attention to MARMA (VITAL) points
  • Upanaha sweda – Poultice with warm herbal pastes
  • Kadivasty – Keeping medicated oil in the lower back
  • Nasyam Nasal instillation
  • Physiotherapy & Manipulation of spine

Condition at the time of discharge

The spine was immobilized in a cylindrical POP cast for 35 days followed by discharge.
He had taken absolute bed rest for 35 days in the POP cast at home. The cast was removed after that and he was advised for strengthening exercises and encouraged for spine mobilization. Now he is perfectly all right and performing all his daily routine without any interruption.
MRI Investigation report taken after the course of treatment in comparison with previous reports showed significant reduction of compression on the spinal nerve root.

MRI Reports before Treatment

MRI Reports after Treatment